Wood Fired Cooking
“A great flame follows a little spark” -Dante
We are driven to cook over a live fire, it’s in our DNA.
“When it comes to infusing complex flavors, like oak barrels to wine, wood fired cooking produces some of the most complex notes for the palate…
However, it is certainly not just about pleasing the palate alone, working with fire is primal and in our nature. Inherently grounded by the experience, we are continually drawn to its historical necessity and arguably its virtue.” - C. Varela
Smoked spatchcock chicken that will
light up your tastebuds like fireworks
“My definition of Man is a ‘Cooking Animal’…Man alone can dress a good dish -James Boswell
“fire provides us with warmth on cold nights, is the means by which we prepare food…it is the possession of fire that distinguishes humans… -A.R.Radcliffe-Brown
“The introduction of cooking may have been the decisive factor leading man from a primarily animal existence into one that was more fully human” - Carleton S. Coon